Not only did my integration process take a long time, it is still not finished. Either I am extremely unlucky, or I just move too much. You decide. Below is an update about my integration process and my experience with the formation civique in 2021/22. The last time I wrote about the integration process in…
Category: Administration
How to Apply for a Carte de Séjour Pluriannuelle Vie Privée et Familiale Before Your VLS-TS Expires
Your VLS-TS Vie Privée et Familiale Will Be Coming to an End, Now What? Like all things, nothing lasts forever, and your VLS-TS is one of them. It feels like just yesterday you were receiving your first convocation from the OFII (probably because you did). While today you realized your visa will be expiring in just…
How to Apply for your Social Security Number (Numéro de Sécu) and Carte Vitale in France
What is a “Numéro de Sécu” (Social Security Number) and Why is it Important? In actuality, the term “numéro de sécu” is a colloquialism; its real name is “NIR” but I have never heard anyone use that term ever. The social security number is unique to each person and allows for your identification with many…
The OFII in France and the Integration Process: Part 1
You Have Validated Your VLS-TS, Now What? Now you wait, patiently, and for a long time, I might add. When I validated my visa mid-September of 2019, I honestly never thought I would have to wait four months to receive my initial convocation from the OFII (Office Français de l’Immigration et de l’Intégration). Many people…
How to Apply for a Visa de Long Séjour- Valant Titre de Séjour vie privée et familiale (VLS-TS) as an American Spouse of a French Citizen While Living in the UK
What Is a VLS-TS? The VLS-TS or Visa de Long Séjour – Valant Titre de Séjour is a special long-stay visa for those visiting France for over 90 days who fulfill specific criteria (such as being students, interns, spouses, etc.). The visa also acts as a temporary residence permit, meaning that applicants do not need…
How to Get Married in France to a French National as a U.S. Citizen
Getting Married in France is Difficult But don’t turn away just yet, I am here to help! Marriage can only be officiated legally in France by the government since the country is laic, meaning there is a firm separation of church and state. Therefore, in order to have a more “traditional” wedding (with a religious…